Scroll Color
Scroll Color option lets you choose the color for the scroll on an active card. This option refers exclusively to...
Background Image
If Background Color option is not enough, Content Timeline lets you select an image for the background of your cards....
Background Color
Background Color option for Card Settings lets you choose the color of the background for your cards. The same option...
Show Date
Show Date option lets you choose if you want to show or hide the date from the card. This option...
Image Border Color
Image Border Color setting lets you choose the color that you want for the line that appears between the image...
Item Border Radius
By adjusting the Item Border Radius of the item you control the corners of your cards. This helps when you...
Image Border Width
Some Content Timeline styles have an option to display the line between the image and the content. That line is...
Image Height
Image Height setting lets you control the height of the image on the card. This option refers to the styles...
Content Padding
Content Padding option lets you control the space around the content of the cards. It lets you set the distance...